Quant Investing

Products and Services

Empowering Your Investment Strategies with Precision and Innovation
Ready-to-use Datasets​

We offer robust, ready-to-use datasets supported by academic research. These datasets are developed based on studies conducted by prominent institutes, providing strong evidence of their alpha value. To maintain their effectiveness and avoid alpha depletion, these datasets are shared with only a limited group of clients.

  • High-Coverage Signals: Our signals provide extensive coverage, including both emerging markets (EM) and developed markets (DM), with over 20 years of historical data for deep back-testing.
  • Robust Data Production: Our datasets are produced using rigorously tested production software, ensuring reliability and accuracy.
  • Extensive Data Quality Management: Managed with a comprehensive data quality management system, we deliver high-quality daily data feeds that can be directly integrated into clients’ automated trading systems.​

Bespoke Services:

For clients seeking tailor-made solutions, we offer exclusive bespoke services to develop customized datasets optimized for their specific trading strategies. This involves collaborative research with the client’s investment teams to ensure the datasets align with their proprietary alpha strategies and investment beliefs.

  • Collaborative Research: We work closely with clients to develop bespoke alpha signal datasets, conducting thorough research to ensure their effectiveness.​
  • Exclusive and High-Quality: If the research proves successful, we create a production dataset that is updated daily, fully comprehensive, and managed with absolute data quality. These bespoke datasets are exclusively available to the client, providing a unique edge in their investment strategies.​

By delivering both ready-to-use and bespoke datasets, we ensure that our clients have access to the highest quality signals, enabling them to make informed and effective investment decisions. Our commitment to data quality and innovation supports the evolving needs of quant investors, helping them achieve superior performance in the market.

Our Ready-to-use datasets and Bespoke services offer the following features:
Developed by our in-house leading quant NLP research team
Directly available signals for use in trading
Daily feed
Historical data for back-testing​
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Our Data