Sustainable Investing


A Holistic Solution Featuring Best-in-Class Purity Scores
Why biodiversity matters:
Biodiversity, ranked as the fourth most significant global risk, faces severe threats.

Over half of the world’s GDP is heavily reliant on well-functioning natural ecosystems. Biodiversity contributes to an economic value exceeding $150 trillion through ecosystem services, highlighting the potential for unlocking trillions in investment opportunities.

Biodiversity Data

Leveraging a blend of AI-driven algorithms and human expertise, we’ve crafted a holistic biodiversity solution. At its core lies a robust in-house taxonomy aligned with prevailing regulations. Our solution evaluates over 10,000 companies, providing comprehensive assessments of their contribution to biodiversity.

Comprehensive Coverage

Covers over 10,000 companies, providing a wide range of investment opportunities.

Compliance with regulations

Our biodiversity framework aligns with all major regulations, supporting users in fulfilling their environmental commitments.

Precision in Biodiversity Insights

Distinguishes direct and indirect positive contributions, with rigorous criteria identifying adverse impacts for informed decisions.

Minimize Greenwashing Risk

Our industry-leading purity score minimizes the risk of greenwashing in your investments

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