This website is intended for providing information to the user. The content is intended for personal, non-commercial use. Copying in any way (other than in the context of downloading), reproducing, forwarding, distributing, making public or making available to third parties of the material on this website, in a manner contrary to the purpose of the website is prohibited without the express written consent of Entis.
ENTIS BV has compiled its website with the greatest possible care in order to ensure that the information available on the website is correct. Nevertheless, ENTIS BV disclaims all liability for any incorrect and/or incomplete information contained in the websites, as well as for the use and interpretation of such information. ENTIS BV provides no guarantee for the faultless and uninterrupted functioning of the website. ENTIS BV disclaims all liability for the temporary, permanent, full, or partial inaccessibility of the website.
ENTIS BV is not responsible for the information given on banners and buttons, nor for the content of third parties’ websites. References or links to other websites or sources which are not ENTIS BV’s property have been included for the sole purpose of providing information to users of the websites.
For the majority ENTIS BV uses our own photographs. In addition, we use photographs from stock photography agencies and illustrations.
Dutch law applies to the use of the websites and to this disclaimer.